Well now, I've been back for a few days now and I'm trying to decide what to do with two blogs. Obviously most thoughts that I have at this point will still have to do with my European experiences--which certainly provoked a lot of thoughts--so where do I post those thoughts? Well, I've decided that the travel blog will be left for pictures at this point, and you can get used to hearing my ponderings about bigger questions and such on here.

So, here's a small passage copied from my journal that can springboard into a whole bunch of areas. It was written after spending a day in beautiful Barcelona and being awed by how great a city can be built. I'd be interested to hear what anybody thinks...
I keep asking myself the question: why can't we North Americans build cities and culture like Europeans? And yet, although they are vastly superior to us culture-wise, they also have a spiritual pverty here that is far from good. Which is better? Would it be possible to have both? Or am I just longing for a utopia reserved for the age to come?